TM 5-2590-512-13&P
2-2. Controls
1. Bucket Up-down Switch:
Not Used In Auger Operation (Refers To SEE Front Bucket).
2. Engine RPM Control Switch:
Increases Engine RPM (Torque) From 750 (Idle) To 2000 RPM.
3. Left Swing Control Foot Pedal:
Swings Auger To Left.
4. Left Stabilizer Control Lever:
Extends (Push Lever) Or Retracts (Pull Lever) Left Rear Stabilizer.
5. Bucket Control Lever:
Rotates Auger Clockwise (Pull Lever Back) Or Counterclockwise (Push
Lever Forward).
6. Dipper Control Lever:
Lowers Auger (Pull Lever Back) Or Raises Auger (Push Lever Forward).
7. Boom Control Lever:
Raises Boom (Pull Lever Back) Or Lowers Boom (Push Lever Forward).
8. Right Stabilizer Control Lever:
Extends (Push Lever) Or Retracts (Pull Lever) Right Rear Stabilizer.
9. Boom Lock Latch Lever:
Locks Boom In Place For Travel.
10. Right Swing Control Foot Pedal:
Swings Auger To Right.