7-10. Hose Bulkhead Replacement
7-11. Foot Replacement
(1) Tag and disconnect hoses (1).
(2) Remove elbows (2) and swivels (3) from hose
bulkhead (4).
washers (7), and bolts (8) securing hose bulkhead (4) to
feedshell (9). Remove hose bulkhead. Discard lock-
a. Removal. Remove six locknuts (1), bevel washers
(2), flatwashers (3). and bolts (4) securing foot (5) to feed-
b. Installation.
shell (6). Remove foot. Discard locknuts.
(1) Install hose bulkhead (4) on feedshell (9) using
two bolts (8), flatwashers (7), new lockwashers (6), and two
b. Installation. Install foot (5) on feedshell (6) using six
nuts (5).
bolts (4), flatwashers (3), bevel washers (2), and new lock-
nuts (1).
Note: First and third hoses have swivels and elbows. Second and
fourth hoses have elbows only.
(2) Wrap male threads on swivels (3) and elbows
(2) with antiseize tape. Install swivels and elbows in hose
bulkhead (4).
(3) Connect hoses (1) and remove tags.