TM 5-3820-241-34
b. Cables. Wipe cables clean with a cloth
dampened with cleaning solvent (Fed Spec P-D-
a. This section provides general cleaning,
inspection, a n d repair instructions that are
common to components used with the pneumatic
2-8. General Inspection Instructions
rock drill.
a. General. Perform an inspection of all parts
b. Special cleaning, inspection and repair
as soon as possible after cleaning. Instructions for
instructions applicable to any individual com-
ponent is covered with that component in the
text at the point in overhaul procedures where the
applicable sections of this manual.
inspection must be performed.
b. Visual Inspection. Visually inspect all
2-7. General Cleaning Instructions
machined and polished areas. Use a strong light
a. Metal Parts.
to shine across polished surfaces to inspect for
(1) Prior to removal or disassembly of major
scoring, cracks, breaks or excessive wear.
components, clean off excess oil or dirt with a
cleaning solvent (Fed Spec P-D-680) or steam
2-9. General Repair Instructions
a. Thread Repair. Use the proper size tapping
(2) Use a cleaning solvent (Fed Spec P-D-
tool to repair tapped holes. Discard and replace all
680) to clean metal parts and hardware.
hardware that has defective threads.
(3) Use br ushes to clean irregular shaped
b. Press Fit Parts.
surfaces: Use wooden pegs to clean ports and
(1) Bushings may require the use of
orifices. Use a lint free cloth to wipe parts clean.
pneumatic or hand operated arbor press.
(4) Exercise care when handling machined
(2) Preheat all press-fit parts before
and polished surfaces to avoid nicks and other
r e a s s e m b l y if specified. Use a lubricant if
damage. Do not immerse more than one metal
necessary to reduce abrasive action.
machined part in solvent at the same time unless
s u c h parts are separated or protected from
contacting each other.
feed control valve and feed assembly from the
This section contains instructions for removal and
b. Attach a suitable hoist with at least 2,000
i n s t a l l a t i o n o f major c o m p o n e n t s o f the
lbs capacity and remove the tilt and swing boom
pneumatic rock drill assembly to facilitate the
assembly in numerical sequence as illustrated in
repair and overhaul procedures. Complete repair
and overhaul instructions are covered in sub-
sequent sections of this manual.
2-11. Tilt and Swing Boom Assembly Removal