TM 5-3820-239-15
tween 2 and 4 pounds, add or remove
housing. Make sure that the holes
bearing retainer shims (99) as re-
are aligned properly. Install and se-
quired to obtain the correct reading.
curely tighten screws (100) and dowel
screws (101) with lock washers
(16) Remove nut (36) and shaft trunnion
(91). Install the assembled small oil
(13) Loosen nut (36) enough to allow
seal (112) and oil seal retainer (113),
ring gear and hub assembly (117) to
so that the deep bore containing the
turn freely.
oil seal is facing outward (toward the
(14) Install the same thickness of bearing
end of the shaft). Tap or press in the
retainer shims (99) as was removed
oil seal retainer until seated. Rein-
during disassembly, over cover plate
stall the shaft trunnion (91) and nut
assembly (106). Install bearing re-
(36). Tighten the nut securely.
tainer (98) and hardware (93 through
(17) I n s t a l l d u s t s h i e l d ( 1 0 4 ) . I n s t a l l
sprocket assembly (90) and collets
Note. If the shim thickness used pre-
(89). Install and tighten sprocket
viously cannot be determined, start with
stud nuts (88) to a torque of 150 foot-
0.050 inch thickness of shims.
(15) Wrap some string around the pro-
Note. After 100 hours of operation, re
truding (splined) end of main drive
check and retighten the sprocket stud nuts
shaft pinion (109) and hook a spring
scale on the string to check the pull
(18) Jack up the frame and install final
against rotation of the main drive
drive assembly (52) and related parts
shaft pinion. If the drag is not be-
MEC 3820-239-15/6-32