TM 5-3820-239-15
A-1. Fire Protection
Hand Portable Fire Extinguishers For Army Users
TB 5-4200-200-
A-2. Lubrication
Department of the Army Lubrication Order for Drill, Pneumatic, Drifter
LO 5-3820-239-
Crawler Mounted, Self-Propelled Ingersoll-Band Model CM150A/D475A
A-3. Painting
Painting Instructions for Field Use
TM 9-213
A-4. Radio Suppression
TM 11-488
A-5. Maintenance
TM 38-750
Army Equipment Record Procedures
TM 5-3820-239- Department of the Army Operator, Organizational, Direct and General
Support, and Depot Maintenance Manual
TM 5-3820-239- Department of the Army Operator and Organizational Maintenance Re
pair Parts and Special Tools List Manual
TM 5-3820-239- Department of the Army Direct and General Support and Depot Mainte-
nance Repair Parts and Special Tools List Manual
TM 5-764
A-6. Shipment and Storage
Preservation of USAMEC Mechanical Equipment for Shipment and Stor-
TB 740-93-2
Administrative Storage of USAMEC Mechanical Equipment
TB 740-93-3