TM 5-3820-241-34
equalizer bar and idler yokes for cracks breaks or
35 Angle socket
17 Lubrication fitting
36 Spring pin
other damage.
18 Lubrication fitting
37 Pivot pin
(3) Inspect the idler springs and the idler for
38 Plain hex nut
19 Plain hex nut
cracks breaks or other damage.
20 Lockwasher
39 Lockwasher
(4) Inspect a l l h a r d w a r e f o r damaged
21 Hex head capscrew
40 Yoke mounting shaft
22 Plate
41 Lubrication fitting
23 Plain hex nut
42 Yoke
(5) Repair minor cracks on side frame
24 Lockwasher
43 Thrust washer
equalizer arm and equalizer bar by welding.
44 Idler oil seal
25 Machine bolt
(6) Replace defective hardware and other
45 Idler
26 Equalizer arm
46 Bronze idler bearing
27 Snap ring
28 Bronze bearing
47 Idler spacer shaft
48 Spring
29 Equalizer bar
Reassembly and Installation
30 Lubrication fitting
49 Spring cap
31 Snap ring
50 Cap O-ring
a. Reassembly.
32 Bearing
51 Backup leather ring
(1) Reassemble the crawler side frame in the
33 Snap ring
52 Shaft
reverse of numerical sequence as illustrated in
34 Oil seal
53 Shaft O-ring
(2) Use a suitable press to remove bronze
(2) Use a s u i t a b l e press to install bronze
bearings from track roller (14), equalizer arm (26),
bushings in the track rollers (14). equalizer arm
and track idler (45).
(26) and idler (45).
6-11. Crawler Side Frame Cleaning Inspection
b. Installation.
and Repair
(1) Install t h e equalizer arm and bar as
a. Cleaning.
(2) Install th e crawler drive side frame as
(1) Clean all p a r t s with cleaning solvent,
(FED SPEC PD 680) and dry thoroughly.
(3) Installl th e t ramming transmission and
(2) Discard and replace all oil seals and O-
b. Inspection and Repair.
(1) Inspect all bronze bushings for excessive
the rock drill.
wear and proper fit on shafts.
(2). Inspect the side frame, equalizer arm,