(3) Use a soft drift to drive out bushing and
other parts that would otherwise be damaged.
(4) To remove the piston (41), rotation
release ring (20) rifle bar (21) and valve seat
assembly (34). insert a brass rod through the
front end of yoke (49) and tap against the striking
end of the piston.
(5) To remove cylinder and parts use a brass
drift pin approximately 2-5/8 in. diameter, apply
force against the end of chuck bushing to remove
the thrust plate (43), support ring (44) and chuck
assembly (45).
(6) To remove the support ring (27) and
ratchet ring (26) use a drift pin through the
opening in the gland plug (5).
(7) To remove valve assembly, tap the
spacer bushing (36), where it fits through the
valve seat (34), freeing the spacer bushing (36)
and valve seat (34), push out inside valve (37) and
outside valve (32).
(8) To remove ratchet pawls (23), press the
end of pawl to compress pawl spring (25). Hold
hand over pawl and remove the spring and pawl.
(9) To remove the rifle nut, wrap the stem of
the piston with a cloth as shown in figure 5-9 and
clamp into a soft jawed vise. Cut off the top of an
old rifle bar and weld a "T" handle to the bar as
illustrated in figure 5-9. Insert the adapted rifle
bar into the rifle nut and unscrew the rifle nut.
The rifle nut has a left hand thread. Rifle nuts
with excessive wear may have to be machined out
with a lathe.
ME 3820-241-34/5-9
Figure 5-9. Removing the rifle nut.
(10) To remove the buffer ring assembly,
insert the piston into the cylinder as shown in
reverse the ring from its operating position and
figure 5-10. Press or drive out the buffer ring.